Comments on Zero-Emission Transit Fleet Infrastructure Deployment
On April 24, the CHBC submitted comments to the CEC on Docket #19-TRAN-02 Zero-Emission Transit Fleet Infrastructure Deployment and focused on the need for the CEC to help balance zero emissions transportation funding to support hydrogen fuel cell electric transit fleet technology deployment. There are currently no funding mechanisms in other California agency programs to insure
Addendum to the ACT Coalition Electric Truck Charging Infrastructure Letter
On April 17, the CHBC submitted an addendum to the Air Resources Board Chair and Members, which provided information on hydrogen and fuel cell technology. This addendum was developed in response to the ACT Coalition’s letter the Board received in March on battery electric technology. These materials were provided to the ARB as it develops
Reply Comments on R.18-03-011 Ruling and Proposal
On April 17, the CHBC submitted reply comments to the CPUC for the R.18-03-011 proceeding proposal, which addressed Communications Service Provider Resiliency and Disaster Response Requirements. The CHBC comments highlighted hydrogen fuel cell backup generation as a means to ensure that critical services, including telecommunication, remain resilient and reliable 24/7/365 without emitting criteria air pollutants.
Summary of SCAQMD Air Quality Management Plan Advisory Group Meeting
On April 16, the South Coast Air Quality Management District held an Air Quality Management Plan Advisory Group Meeting. The Advisory Group reviews the overall aspects of a draft air quality management plan and to makes recommendations concerning emission inventories, modeling, control measures, and socioeconomic impacts. CHBC Executive Director, Jeff Serfass, participated and prepared this
Summary of CARB Work Group Webinar for the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Heavy-Duty Investment Strategy
On April 16, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) held a work group meeting to solicit feedback on developing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Investment Strategy for Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Off-Road Equipment. The Strategy, built upon previous years’ work, will be incorporated into the upcoming FY 2020-21 Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) and Low Carbon Transportation
Summary of Re-Imagining the Energy Ecosystem with Green Hydrogen Webinar
On April 14, the Green Hydrogen Council and Strategen hosted the “Re-Imagining the Energy Ecosystem with Green Hydrogen” webinar, which presented “why green hydrogen should be the backbone of the clean energy transition that is already underway, and why green hydrogen is a ‘super gamechanger’ to achieve multi-sectoral decarbonization.” GHC founder and CEO, Janice Lin,
Summary of CEC Webinar Draft Solicitation Transit ZEV Infrastructure Workshop
On April 10, the California Energy Commission (CEC) Staff hosted a pre-solicitation workshop to solicit feedback on a draft concept for Zero-Emission Transit Fleet Infrastructure Deployment. CEC Staff has released a “Draft Solicitation Concept” document, which details the concept under consideration for a competitive grant solicitation to be issued by the CEC’s Clean Transportation Program.
Summary of CARB HVIP Workgroup 1 Webinar
On April 7, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) held a public work group webinar to discuss Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 policy for Clean Truck and Bus Vouchers (HVIP). The discussion focused on how best to adjust the HVIP to align with growing demand and the Governor Newsom’s proposed budget. Stakeholders addressed potential policy options
Summary of CEC Staff Webinar to Discuss Two Draft Solicitation Concepts – Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles
On April 2, the California Energy Commission (CEC) staff held a pre-solicitation workshop to solicit feedback on two draft concepts: Blueprints for Medium- and Heavy-Duty (MD/HD) Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) and ZEV Infrastructure, and Block Grant for MD/HD ZEV Infrastructure Incentive Projects. CEC staff has released “Draft Solicitation Concept” documents, which detail the concepts under consideration
Comments on the Draft Staff Report on 2020-2023 Investment Plan Update for the Clean Transportation Plan
On March 30, the CHBC submitted comments to the CEC on the draft staff report on the 2020-2023 Investment Plan Update for the Clean Transportation Program. The comments focused on two areas: Appreciation for the Draft Report’s plans for continuing to provide $20 million for hydrogen related transportation investment in California in Chapters 3 and
Summary of CORE Voucher Project Work Group Webinar
On March 27, CALSTART and CARB hosted a webinar on the CORE Vouch Project. The CORE project team is evaluating several adjustments to the Implementation Manual and seeking feedback from stakeholders. CORE is a first-come, first-served voucher program that is open until funds are used. There is currently $18.7 million still available from the original
Summary of Planning and Policymaking for Transit-Oriented Development, Transit, and Active Transport in California Cities Webinar
On March 26, University of California, Davis hosted a webinar for the National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) on “Planning and Policymaking for Transit-Oriented Development, Transit, and Active Transport in California Cities.” NCST is one of seven national centers funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program, and the only national center focused