Hydrogen Energy Storage and Renewable Hydrogen

California has bold climate objectives to reach 100% renewable power by 2045 and hydrogen is key component of this transition, as a method of storing and distributing renewable and low-carbon power. The CHBC Hydrogen Energy Storage and Renewable Hydrogen Sector Action Group seeks to educate stakeholders, mainly policymakers, by providing information and resources on hydrogen production, delivery, and energy storage technology. The CHBC participates in public forums to describe how California’s strong renewable energy goals can be cost-effectively reached with reliable hydrogen and fuel cell technology.

Further Reading

Hydrogen Insights 2024: New Hydrogen Insights 2024 report reveals a 7-fold increase in committed investment, growing from approximately $10bn across 102 projects in 2020 to some USD $75 billion across 434 projects in 2024. But unlocking hydrogen’s full climate and socio-economic potential requires a united effort from governments and industry. Joint efforts will be critical to accelerate deployment and achieve global decarbonization.

CHBC Hydrogen Handbook: why hydrogen is necessary in our energy transition from using fossil fuels, for energy services and other end uses.

United States Hydrogen Project Map: see where current hydrogen projects, research, and opportunities are happening around the country

New Reports Highlight Benefits of Bioenergy in the San Joaquin Valley - Bioenergy Association of California: The Clean Air Task Force and Rand Corporation have just issued reports on the potential for clean energy development in the San Joaquin Valley. Both reports find that bioenergy has an important role to play in reducing climate and air pollution, providing clean energy, and generating good jobs and economic development.

Environmental Attribute Credits: Analysis of Program Design Features and Impacts: This white paper from the University of California Irvine Clean Energy Institute assesses program design features related to environmental attribute credits and their impact on cost and attainment of environmental goals. Hydrogen is addressed as part of the assessment.

Video: Could hydrogen be the clean fuel of the future?



NPR: Colorado Pushes Ahead in Green Hydrogen - A New Technology to Curb Global Warning


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