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Our Impact

Goods Movement, Heavy Duty Transport, Clean Ports
Renewable Hydrogen and Hydrogen Energy Storage
Public Transport
Infrastructure and Vehicles
Communication and Business Expansion

CHBC is the advocate for hydrogen and fuel cells in California.

News feed

The National Petroleum Council has released a report on hydrogen: HARNESSING HYDROGEN: A Key Element of the U.S.  Energy Future.  This report was commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy. Download the report here>>

President & CEO Katrina Fritz recently wrote an article discussing hydrogen in the transportation sector for Green Car Journal’s 50th Edition. Read the digital edition here titled “Hydrogen’s Role in Deep Decarbonization” (Green Car Journal Issue No. 50; pg. 22). Published April 18, 2024

President & CEO Katrina Fritz recently wrote an article discussing crucial federal regulations impacting the hydrogen economy titled ” ‘Jumpstarting’ a Domestic Hydrogen Economy: Theory vs. Practice”. Published March 25, 2024

The 3rd annual policy summit, scheduled for June 16-17, 2024 in Sacramento, convenes stakeholders who support climate-friendly hydrogen solutions and incentives for cleaner air in communities March 13, 2024 SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Organizers of the California Hydrogen Leadership Summit (CHLS) unveiled the event agenda for the annual policy event that


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About Us
About Us

Since 2000, the California Hydrogen Business Council has advanced the hydrogen industry in California.

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Our mission is to advance the commercialization of hydrogen in the energy sector…

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The CHBC is comprised of over 100 companies and agencies involved in the business of hydrogen.

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