About Us
The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) is a membership-based trade association comprised of 120 companies, agencies, and individuals involved in the business of hydrogen. The CHBC is the leading advocate for the hydrogen and fuel cell industry in Sacramento. Our mission is to educate the public and policymakers on the substantial benefits of hydrogen and to develop and advance policy positions that support the commercialization of hydrogen in the energy and transportation sectors to achieve California’s climate, air quality, and decarbonization goals.
The CHBC represents a wide array of organizations in the industry, including:
- Auto Manufacturers
- Bus and Heavy Duty Vehicle Manufacturers
- Components
- Fuel Cells
- Electrolyzers
- Tanks and Storage
- Utility Companies
- Government Agencies
- Non-Profits
- Education Institutions
The CHBC enhances market commercialization through effective advocacy and education of the public sectors; is the go-to resources on hydrogen and fuel cell systems for policymakers and influencers; and accelerates market growth by providing a public communication platform for the industry and end users.
The CHBC is led by its Board of Directors, consisting of leaders from member organizations. The CHBC operates two board Committees (Executive and Advocacy), three Sector Action Groups (https://www.californiahydrogen.org/market-sector-activities), and three Policy Initiatives (https://www.californiahydrogen.org/market-sector-activities/advocacy-committee).