• Comments for CEC 19-OIR-01 on Draft 2020 Load Management Rulemaking Scoping Memo

    On January 21, the CHBC submitted comments to the California Energy Commission on the proposed draft of the 2020 Load Management Rulemaking Scoping Memo (Scoping Memo). The CHBC expressed its general support to deploy an array of load management technologies to enable achievement of the state’s renewable and carbon neutral energy goals. Download the comments

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  • Comments on Scoping Memo and Ruling Opening Phase 4 of Rulemaking 13-02-008

    On January 10, the CHBC submitted comments to the CPUC regarding the R.13-02-008 proceeding, which will consider issues related to hydrogen. The CHBC’s opening comments covered an array of points for the CPUC to consider as it works to establish injection standards and protocols for California. Overall, the CHBC strongly supports the opening of Phase

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