Comments on the CEC Distributed Energy Resources Research Roadmap Workshop
On June 12, the CHBC submitted comments to the CEC on the May 29 Distributed Energy Resources Research Roadmap Workshop. The comments clarified the record on the commercial availability of zero emissions hydrogen fuel cells and urged the CEC to add hydrogen fuel cells to the technologies considered for research on microgrids and backup generation,
Letter of Support for AB 3163 (Salas)
On June 12, the CHBC sent a letter of support to Senate Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Communications Chair, Senator Ben Hueso, for AB 3163, which would expand the definition of biogas to include the non-combustion thermal conversion of eligible biomass. This legislation will support an important pathway to creating renewable hydrogen, which is the
Comments on Commissioner Workshop on Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Trends
On June 8, the CHBC submitted comments to the CEC regarding the Commissioner Workshop on Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Trends. The CHBC expressed disappointment due to the agenda for this workshop excluding any focus or panelist experts on hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), which has become a common pattern at the Commission and risks creating a
Letter to ASM Bloom and Budget Subcommittee 3 on the Governor’s Proposed Budget and Revisions
On May 29, the CHBC sent a letter to Assemblymember Richard Bloom and Budget Subcommittee 3 in response to the Governor’s Proposed Budget and the Revisions proposed by the Administration on May 14, 2020. The CHBC urged the Assembly to consider postponing any decision on 2020-2021 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds (GGRF) until after the next
Reply Comments on the CPUC Proposed Microgrid Decision
On May 26, the CHBC submitted comments to the CPUC regarding the proposed decision adopting short-term actions to accelerate microgrid deployment and related resiliency solutions. The CHBC supported the comments of several parties calling for the Track 1 microgrid proposed decision to be expanded to include fuel cells (and hydrogen-based fuel cells), to ensure more
Letter of Support for AB 3163
On May 20, the CHBC sent a letter of support for AB 3163 to Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, Chair of the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The bill would expand the definition of biogas to include the non-combustion thermal conversion of eligible biomass, supporting an important new pathway to creating renewable hydrogen. Read the letter here
Letter of Support for SB 1352
On May 11, the CHBC sent a letter of support for SB 1352 to Senator Ben Hueso, recognizing that the bill will not advance in the 2020 legislative session due to the COVID-19 pandemic. SB 1352 would establish a renewable gas standard (RGS) by 2030 and help drive the market development for renewable gas, including
Letter of Support for Expeditious Implementation of SB 1383
On May 5, the CHBC sent a letter to CalEPA Secretary Jared Blumenfeld, requesting the expeditious implementation of SB 1383, which is imperative to reduce short lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), the most imminently dangerous greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable hydrogen can contribute to achieving SB 1383’s SLCP reduction goals by displacing fossil natural gas with a
Comments on EPIC Program Policy and Innovation Coordination Group Partnership Area Framework Presentation
On April 24, the CHBC submitted comments to the CEC on the EPIC Program Policy and Innovation Coordination Group (PICG) Partnership Area Framework results workshop. The primary points are summarized below: A growing number of financial analysts agree that renewable hydrogen has great potential to be cost competitive as volume increases and that this could
Comments on Zero-Emission Transit Fleet Infrastructure Deployment
On April 24, the CHBC submitted comments to the CEC on Docket #19-TRAN-02 Zero-Emission Transit Fleet Infrastructure Deployment and focused on the need for the CEC to help balance zero emissions transportation funding to support hydrogen fuel cell electric transit fleet technology deployment. There are currently no funding mechanisms in other California agency programs to insure
Addendum to the ACT Coalition Electric Truck Charging Infrastructure Letter
On April 17, the CHBC submitted an addendum to the Air Resources Board Chair and Members, which provided information on hydrogen and fuel cell technology. This addendum was developed in response to the ACT Coalition’s letter the Board received in March on battery electric technology. These materials were provided to the ARB as it develops
Reply Comments on R.18-03-011 Ruling and Proposal
On April 17, the CHBC submitted reply comments to the CPUC for the R.18-03-011 proceeding proposal, which addressed Communications Service Provider Resiliency and Disaster Response Requirements. The CHBC comments highlighted hydrogen fuel cell backup generation as a means to ensure that critical services, including telecommunication, remain resilient and reliable 24/7/365 without emitting criteria air pollutants.