• National Petroleum Council Releases Report on Hydrogen

    The National Petroleum Council has released a report on hydrogen: HARNESSING HYDROGEN: A Key Element of the U.S.  Energy Future.  This report was commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy. Download the report here>>

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  • President & CEO Katrina Fritz’s Op-Ed Featured in Green Car Journal

    President & CEO Katrina Fritz recently wrote an article discussing hydrogen in the transportation sector for Green Car Journal’s 50th Edition. Read the digital edition here titled “Hydrogen’s Role in Deep Decarbonization” (Green Car Journal Issue No. 50; pg. 22). Published April 18, 2024

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  • CHBC President and CEO Katrina Fritz’s Op-Ed Featured in Real Clear Energy

    President & CEO Katrina Fritz recently wrote an article discussing crucial federal regulations impacting the hydrogen economy titled ” ‘Jumpstarting’ a Domestic Hydrogen Economy: Theory vs. Practice”. Published March 25, 2024

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  • California Hydrogen Leadership Summit Sets Climate and Economic Objectives Towards Decarbonization and Air Quality Improvement

    The 3rd annual policy summit, scheduled for June 16-17, 2024 in Sacramento, convenes stakeholders who support climate-friendly hydrogen solutions and incentives for cleaner air in communities March 13, 2024 SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Organizers of the California Hydrogen Leadership Summit (CHLS) unveiled the event agenda for the annual policy event that

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  • Biden-Harris Administration Announces $750 Million to Support America’s Growing Hydrogen Industry as Part of Investing in America Agenda

    (From the U.S. Department of Energy) March 13, 2024 52 Projects Across 24 States to Accelerate Breakthroughs in Clean Hydrogen Technology, Cutting Costs and Supporting DOE’s Hydrogen Hubs and Other Large-Scale Deployments WASHINGTON, D.C. — As part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $750 million for 52 projects across

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  • CHBC Executive Director Katrina Fritz Pens Op-Ed in Utility Dive

    CHBC Executive Director Katrina Fritz penned an Editorial on Utility Dive’s website entitled “Let’s get hydrogen right from the start: We need a tax credit that is practical and workable“.  DOE’s recent hydrogen hub awards represent tens of thousands of clean energy jobs across the U.S., which could be at risk if upcoming tax credit guidance

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  • CHBC Congratulates DOE Awardees of Hydrogen Hubs, Including ARCHES in California

    (The following statement is provided by CHBC on behalf of our members and affiliates) October 13, 2023 Today is a truly historic day for the United States and the State of California.  The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded the Hydrogen Hubs to 7 outstanding hubs including ARCHES in California.  The California Hydrogen Business Council,

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  • Recording of Stakeholder Webinar on the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap and Interagency Coordination is Now Available

    (From the DOE Office of Energy Efficiencies and Renewable Energy, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office) August 25, 2023 In case you missed it, last Friday, leaders from the White House, DOE, and other federal agencies discussed plans for implementing the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap. During the webinar, Deputy National Climate Advisor Mary

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  • Governor Newsom Announces New Strategy to Develop a Hydrogen Economy of the Future

    (From the Office of the Governor) August 8, 2023 SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom has directed the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) to develop California’s Hydrogen Market Development Strategy, employing an all-of-government approach to building up California’s clean, renewable hydrogen market. It will closely resemble the Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Development Strategy to help California collectively move

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  • Biomass Magazine Coverage of CHBC Executive Director and Members

    In a July 10, 2023 article by Sue Retka Schill, freelance writer for Biomass Magazine, CHBC Executive Director Katrina Fritz is quoted and multiple CHBC members’ projects are identified with the promise to expand biogenic hydrogen production, but only if unhindered by overly restrictive rules. Read the full article here.

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  • Industry, Policy Leaders Promote Hydrogen-Fueled Transportation

    Thank you CHBC members and to everyone who participated in this year’s CHBC and GNA California Hydrogen Leadership Summit on June 20. Over 550 Summit attendees represented public, private, nonprofit, community and tribal organizations.  Attendees engaged in networking and sessions on policy and hydrogen topics including decarbonization, air quality, transportation, and grid reliability and resilience. 

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  • CHBC Executive Director Katrina Fritz Pens Editorial for Green Car Journal

    California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) Executive Director Katrina Fritz pens an editorial in Green Car Journal. Click here to read it. For organizations interested in the CHBC and its activities, please visit www.californiahydrogen.org. About The California Hydrogen Business Council The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) is comprised of 140 companies, agencies, and individuals involved in the

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