• CHBC Submits Comments on the Draft 2018 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update Volume II

    On November 2, 2018, the California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) submitted comments and recommendations to the California Energy Commission (CEC) on the Draft 2018 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update Volume 2. The CHBC previously identified five issues the 2018 IEPR Update should take into account: Assessment of the opportunity of sector coupling to help decarbonize energy

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  • In Memoriam – Bob Rose (1946 – 2018)

    The CHBC mourns the loss of a great industry pioneer. In the morning hours of October 17, 2018, Robert Rose died peacefully. His wife, Ann Rose, described his last years as a “three-year strategic match against pancreatic cancer, and he never backed down”.

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  • CHBC Comments on Electrify America’s Cycle 2 Proposed Investment

    On October 26, 2018, CHBC submitted comments to Chair Nichols at the Air Resources Board expressing our concerns about Electrify America’s Cycle 2 Proposed Investment Plan. CHBC voiced its disappointment that “once again EA has ignored the need for investment in hydrogen infrastructure and urge ARB to work with EA to address this shortfall and

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  • CHBC Comments on the Proposed Fiscal Year 2018-19 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives for Low Carbon Transportation Investments and the Air Quality Improvement Program

    On October 26, the CHBC submitted comments to the California Air Resources Board in support of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2018-19 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives for Low Carbon Transportation Investments and the Air Quality Improvement Program.

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  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Ports and Shipping Workshop Presentations Now Available

    On October 9-10, the California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) hosted its Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Ports and Shipping Workshop at Banning’s Landing Community Center in the Port of Los Angeles. The two day workshop had 90 attendees from around the world engaged in a comprehensive agenda that covered hydrogen and fuel cells as a

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  • CHBC Development Specialist – F-Cell, IEA Hydrogen Task 39 Maritime Meeting, Clean Air Action Plan Advisory Meeting, CHBC Ports Workshop, NorCal CleanTech Forum

    Cory Shumaker, Development Specialist, wanted to share a number of key issues with the hydrogen and fuel cell community.  F-Cell Conference on September 18-19 in Stuttgart, Germany The hydrogen and fuel cells market is accelerating in regions around the world in a variety market sectors. Last month at the F-Cell Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, large

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  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: A Global Update

    By Cory Shumaker, CHBC Development Specialist Published in ACT News Hydrogen and fuel cell markets have progressed in many regions around the world; however, the sectors in which they have progressed vary. Last month at the F-Cell Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, large industry players from around the world came together to discuss the latest updates in fuel cell

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  • CHBC FCEB Lunch Workshop Presentations Now Available

    On September 11, 2018, the California Hydrogen Business Council hosted a Fuel Cell Electric Bus Lunch Workshop at the Center for Transportation and the Environment Zero Emission Bus Conference at the LA Metro Headquarters in Downtown Los Angeles. The Workshop featured an overview session covering the current status of FCEB deployment in California. The workshop

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  • CHBC Excited about SB 100, Calls Upon Legislature to Support Hydrogen to Manage Renewable Grid

    Additional Infrastructure Investment Needed to Manage Renewables on the Grid and Decarbonize Transportation For Immediate Release Yorba Linda, CA – September 20, 2018: Today, the California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) applauds Governor Brown for signing into law SB 100, a bill the CHBC supported from the beginning. SB 100 will create a reliable framework to

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  • CHBC Submits Comments to CARB on Innovative Clean Transit Regulation

    July 27, 2018 – The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) submitted comments to the California Air Resources Board (CARB)  to express our support for the proposed ICT regulations. If enacted, the CHBC’s envisions these regulations will provide the hydrogen and fuel cell industry with clear opportunities for deployment of fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs), hydrogen

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  • CHBC Submits Comments to CPUC for R.13.02-008 Renewable Gas Standards Proceeding

    July 27, 2018 – The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) submitted comments to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for the R.13-02-008 Renewable Gas Standards Proceeding. The CHBC’s comments provided six recommendations for the proceeding to be more inclusive of hydrogen. The six recommendations were: Recommendation 1: The CHBC requests that all of the renewable

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  • June Updates from CHBC’s Development Specialist

    During the course of the month of June, the following notable works were performed by Cory Shumaker. This summary only includes information that would be found valuable for CHBC members. Meeting and event summaries are meant to be published in the CHBC newsletter or website as felt necessary. Attended the CertifHy webinar on June 12.

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