• Versallis Tech Services LLC Joins CHBC!

    Versallis Tech Services LLC, Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Engineering and Consulting, is a company focused on helping its customers to develop their vision in the world of renewable hydrogen and energy. Versallis will strive to deliver results and create value to all its customers maintaining the long term viability of whatever resources they use. Learn

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  • Bennett Pump Company Joins CHBC!

    For over 100 years Bennett Pump has been a leading manufacturer of retail and commercial fuel dispensers and components. Bennett Pump Company maintains its world headquarters in Western Michigan, and serves customers throughout the world. Manufacturing locations in Spring Lake, Michigan and Shanghai, China offer Bennett the flexibility to be a worldwide competitor in fuel

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  • Report on CHBC Meeting with Breathe LA

    On February 7, Cory Shumaker, CHBC Development Specialist, visited Breathe California of Los Angeles County to present the case for hydrogen and fuel cells to staff through a series of videos and presentation slides. The non-profit was founded in 1903 and for more than 30 years, the organization was committed to increasing public awareness about

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  • Electro-Active Technologies Joins the CHBC!

    Electro-Active Technologies Inc. is developing a modular system to convert food waste and renewable electricity into affordable, renewable hydrogen. The system can be deployed onsite or in a decentralized fashion as a local, urban solution. This will enable companies and communities to reinvest their waste for added value and improved sustainability. Learn more about Electro-Active

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  • Summary of SCAQMD Clean Fuels Program Advisory Meeting

    On February 6, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) held their semi-annual Clean Fuels Program Advisory Meeting to provide an annual report on the Clean Fuels Program for 2019 and an update on the Clean Fuels Program Plan for 2020. It was also an opportunity to solicit feedback and comments from stakeholders, State

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  • Reply Comments on CPUC 19-09-009 Track 1 Microgird and Resiliency Strategies Staff Proposal

    On February 6, the CHBC submitted reply comments to the CPUC regarding the R.19-09-009 proceeding on the Track 1 Microgrid and Resiliency Strategies Staff Proposal. The CHBC reply comments focused on four areas: Several parties representing multiple sectors, in addition to CHBC, specifically advocated in their comments for hydrogen and fuel cells to be included

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  • Comments on Draft Scoping Order for the 2020 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update

    On January 31, the CHBC submitted comments to the CEC regarding the draft scoping order for the 2020 IEPR. Overall, the CHBC supported the scoping order and provided the following feedback: Be sure that workshops and topics in the Transportation Section include fuel cell electric vehicle FCEV technologies, including infrastructure, along with battery electric. Be

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  • Planetary Hydrogen Joins the CHBC!

    Planetary Hydrogen’s mission is to produce negative-emissions hydrogen and bicarbonate to help restore the planet’s climate by consuming legacy CO2 and rebalance ocean chemistry, all while providing the world with a super clean energy source. Learn more about Planetary Hydrogen >>

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  • Summary of the CARB Control Measure for Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth Webinar

    On January 30, the California Air Resources Board held a webinar on a control measure for ocean-going vessels at berth. CARB staff discussed suggested changes to the proposed At Berth Regulation based on Board direction during the December 5, 2019 Board Hearing and public comments received. A second Board hearing regarding this issue will be

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  • Summary of CARB Work Group Meeting for the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Heavy-Duty Investment Strategy

    On January 30, the California Air Resources Board held a work group meeting for the fiscal year 2020-21 heavy-duty investment strategy. The strategy, built upon previous years’ work, will be incorporated into the upcoming FY 2020-21 Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) and Low Carbon Transportation Investments Funding Plan. CARB and CEC are coordinating activities to

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  • Comments on CPUC 19-09-009 Track 1 Microgird and Resiliency Strategies

    On January 30, the CHBC submitted comments to the CPUC regarding the staff proposal titled, “Short-Term Actions to Accelerate the Deployment of Microgrids and Related Resiliency Solutions.” The CHBC comments addressed prioritizing interconnection applications to deliver resiliency services at key sites and locations. Read the full comments here >>

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  • Reply Comments on CPUC R.13-02-008 Phase 4 – Establishing Hydrogen Standards and Protocols

    On January 27, the CHBC submitted comments to the CPUC on the R.13-02-008 Phase 4, which is addressing a variety of issues related to hydrogen. The CHBC continues to strongly support establishing hydrogen injection standards and protocols, a technical study to determine safe blending limits, and a preliminary injection standard within 12 months, which will

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