Summary of CaFCP Hydrogen Station: Update on Network Development Status in California
Covered by Michael Giovanniello, CHBC Fellow
On August 25, the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) hosted a webinar to provide updates on the development of California’s hydrogen fueling station network.
Panelists described three major hydrogen station development goals for California over the next 10 years. First, with $20 million in annual funding through Assembly Bill 8, California aims to complete 100 stations by 2020. Next, pursuant to a 2018 executive order by Governor Brown, the state plans on 200 stations by 2025. Finally, CaFCP envisions 1,000 stations enabling 1,000,000 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) by 2030.
The first two benchmarks focus on refueling stations for customers driving light-duty passenger vehicles. As of now, California drivers have access to 42 hydrogen refueling stations, with 15 under development. This growth coincides with hydrogen vehicle announcements by major automakers, including BMW, Toyota, Audi, and Hyundai.
CaFCP maintains a database on the status of hydrogen station projects, which includes all stations that are in the process of permitting, construction, and commissioning. Current and prospective FCEV owners can also use CaFCP’s SOSS tool for real-time information on available retail fueling stations.
Panelists also highlighted the new station permitting guide released by GO-Biz. They estimated that the new guide can accelerate the permitting process, which usually takes three to four years, to now take as little as two. City-planners and other stakeholders can attend a webinar about the updated guidebook on September 22.