Summary of GFO-19-305 Developing non-Lithium Ion Energy Storage Technologies Pre-application Workshop
On January 7, the CEC hosted its pre-application workshop for the non-lithium ion energy storage technologies grant opportunity. The workshop covered two groups of funding covered under the GFO:
- Group 1 – Develop and validate non-Lithium energy storage technologies for customer side of the meter applications. ($9M)
- Group 2 – Develop and validate green electrolytic hydrogen systems for customer side of the meter applications. ($2M)
The Group 2 portion is meant to validate electrolytic hydrogen energy storage as a complete system, which must address customer side of the meter applications, electricity-in/electricity-out capability, improvement over current technology, and provide additional services (heat, oxygen, compressed air, non-electricity products, etc.).
The deadline for applications is February 4 at 5:00 PM PT. Those with questions can connect with Angela Hockaday at or (916) 654-5186.
Additional information (including the CEC presentation) are available here >>