Advertise with the California Hydrogen Business Council!

As the largest and longest established trade association for hydrogen in the United States, we are proud to give you the opportunity to participate in California Hydrogen Business Council's Digital Sponsorship Program. This program allows your company to effectively interact with some of the top companies in the industry today and also provides a valuable source of revenue generation and financial support for CHBC to continue advocating for and serving our industry as a whole.

Website Advertising and Digital Retargeting

Prominently display your messaging on thousands of popular websites, including a placement on CHBC's website, with precise, quantifiable, and sophisticated advertising opportunities to reach CHBC members, event attendees, and many more key decision makers in the hydrogen industry in California and across the United States. Please contact Drew Jasinski, VP of Association Partnerships at to learn more.

CHBC eSource

Stay front and center with the subscribers and key decision makers in the hydrogen industry through CHBC eSource. CHBC eSource recaps the top industry update, a true readers’ digest that ensures CHBC members, stakeholders, and other industry professionals are kept up to date with the most crucial happenings in the industry. Please contact Drew Jasinski, VP of Association Partnerships at to learn more.