Burbank Zero Emission Bus Project First of its Kind West of Mississippi
Thanks to the unique collaborative efforts of several agencies and businesses, Burbank will soon be the home of California’s first Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plug-In Hybrid Electric Bus Demonstration Project. The parties working together to make this possible include: the California Air Resources Board; the California Energy Commission; the City of Burbank; the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA); Hydrogenics; Proterra; and the Burbank Transportation Management Organization (TMO).
This two-year project is designed to demonstrate the ability to implement a viable Zero Emission transit solution today and not years in the future. The timing of this project is important due to California’s new Zero Emission Bus Regulation which requires transit agencies with 200 buses or more to purchase zero emission buses as early as the year 2011. The funding for this project is provided through a grant from the California Air Resources Board and the California Energy Commission as well as monies and contributions from other public and private entities.
The goal of this project is to demonstrate:
- Zero emission technology with an affordable fuel cell/battery configuration;
- A light weight body for less energy consumption and reduced street wear;
- Reduced noise pollution;
- Attractive modern vehicle appearance to attract ridership;
- Technology appropriate to meet the Zero Emission Bus regulation purchase requirement;
- Advancement of California’s leadership in hydrogen fuel cell adoption and commercialization; and
- A bus that meets the FTA Buy America requirements thus allowing the use of Federal funding to offset local and state funding.
Proterra will be assembling the 35 foot long, 37 passenger bus. The lightweight composite body bus will house two Hydrogenics 16kW fuel cell modules and a Proterra Terra Volt Energy system powered by lithium titanate batteries. The on board storage tanks provide hydrogen to the fuel cells which produce electricity. This electricity energizes the batteries that power the bus.
During the second year of the project, the bus will service existing BurbankBus shuttle routes including the Media District, Downtown and Airport areas. At the end of each day of service, the bus’ hydrogen tanks will be refilled and its batteries recharged using a charger plugged into the electric grid. The Hydrogen BurbankBus is targeted to start route coverage during the summer of 2009.
About The Partners:
CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD: The Air Resources Board is a department of the California Environmental Protection Agency. CARB’s mission is to promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering effects on the economy. CARB oversees all air pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintain health based air quality standards.
CITY OF BURBANK: The City of Burbank has been a strong supporter of hydrogen technology. Since 2006, the City has been operating a hydrogen station and five hydrogen internal combustion engine converted Prius vehicles as part of a program sponsored by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Addition of the plug-in fuel cell bus will help increase the utilization of the hydrogen station as well as help advance both the fuel cell and battery technologies.
HYDROGENICS: Hydrogenics Corp. (www.hydrogenics.com) is a globally recognized developer and provider of hydrogen generation and fuel cell products and services, serving the growing industrial and clean energy markets of today and tomorrow. Based in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, Hydrogenics has operations in North America, Europe and Asia.
PROTERRA (formerly MOBILE ENERGY SOLUTIONS): Proterra (www.proterraonline.com) is a world leader in the development and manufacture of composite body, advanced technology transit and school buses utilizing plug-in, battery dominant hybrid electric technology which allows for a variety of auxiliary power units including fuel cells, bio diesel, CNG and all battery.