• Katrina Fritz

    Katrina Fritz is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the California Hydrogen Business Council, the largest and longest established hydrogen trading association in the U.S. Katrina leads the organization as chief advocate and champion for advancement of hydrogen and renewable fuels sectors to achieve air quality and climate objectives.

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  • Jennifer Hamilton

    As Vice President of the CHBC, Jennifer Hamilton drives education and outreach priorities, and leads several policy initiatives.

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  • Andreas Truckenbrodt

    Director at Large
    Loop Energy

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  • Steve Szymanski

    Director at Large
    Director of Business Development, Projects and Government
    Nel Hydrogen U.S.

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  • Tim Sasseen

    Director at Large
    Market Development Manager, US
    Ballard Power Systems

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  • Steven Rodriguez

    Director at Large
    California Program Director for Energy
    Parsons Corporation

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  • Dr. Jeffrey Reed

    Director Emeritus
    Chief Scientist, Renewable Fuels and Energy Storage
    UC Irvine

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  • Jamie Randolph

    Principal Strategic Analyst, Decarbonization Strategies
    Pacific Gas and Electric Company

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  • Salim Rahemtulla

    Director at Large
    PowerTap Hydrogen Fueling Corp.,

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  • Leah Pillsbury

    Director at Large
    Control Systems Engineer
    Ivys Energy Solutions

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  • Pinakin Patel

    Director at Large
    T2M Global

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  • Kim Okafor

    Director at Large
    Manager of Zero Emission Solutions
    Trillium – A Love’s Company

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