2024 Advocacy Activities


U.S. Department of Treasury

  • The CHBC filed comments to the U.S. Department of the Treasury on the draft Section 45V Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen. Additional comments were submitted by the Western Governors, ARCHES, the State of California, a joint letter from the seven Hydrogen Hubs, and many others who, like CHBC, are voicing the concern and opposition to the proposed rulemaking highlighting how, if adopted, the three pillars are counter to meeting California and the U.S. decarbonization goals.  Read CHBC’s comments here >>

California Air Resources Board

  • CHBC, CHC, and GHC submitted a joint letter to CARB for consideration as they deliberate the proposed updates to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).  Read the comments here >>

California Assembly and Senate

  • CHBC submitted a letter of support for SB 1418 (Archuleta) for local governments to expand their existing expedited and transparent permitting process for zero emission vehicle infrastructure to include hydrogen fueling infrastructure.  Read the full letter here >>
  • The CHBC, with the California Hydrogen Coalition, signed onto a coalition letter in support of AB 2514 (Aguiar-Curry) which will accelerate progress in reducing methane emissions and meet the requirements of SB 1383 (Lara, 2016), the State’s Short-Lived Climate Super Pollutant legislation.  Read the full letter here >>

California Energy Commission

  • The CHBC has submitted comments to the California Energy Commission on the 2024-2025 draft Clean Transportation Program Investment Plan regarding the proper grouping of refueling capabilities at stations, the reallocation of cancelled, unexpired funds, and the needed market signals for adequate infrastructure planning in the coming years. Read the full comments here.  Download the comments here >>

California Public Utilities Commission

  • The CHBC filed comments to the CPUC on the Order Instituting Rulemaking to Establish Energization Timelines (R.24-01-018). The comments requested CPUC to expand the scope of the Rulemaking to include hydrogen refueling stations.  Read the full comments here >>
  • The CHBC filed response comments to A.22-09-006 in support of the Utilities Joint Amended Application to Establish Hydrogen Blending Demonstration Projects.  Read the comments here >>
  • The CHBC signed onto opening comments, with Pilot Travel Centers and Clean Energy, to the CPUC on the Assigned Commissioner’s Scoping Memo and Ruling in the proceedings to Establish Energization Timelines.  Read the comments here >>
  • The CHBC signed onto a letter, along with the California Hydrogen coalition (CHC) and the Green Hydrogen Coalition (GHC), to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regarding updates to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).  This letter was in response to the workshop held on April 10th.
    Read the comments here >>