
The CHBC's Advocacy Committee leads the legislative and regulatory efforts, in coordination with the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, to advance the policy priorities of the hydrogen and fuel cell industry in California. The CHBC positions energy strategies and technology deployment through face-to-face meetings, briefings, written positions, and presentations before agency and legislative staff.

To stay updated on the constantly fluctuating policy developments in California, the Advocacy Committee, comprised of Board members, committee chairs, and SAG chairs, meets on a bi-weekly basis.

CHBC’s two advocacy initiatives are as follows:

Renewable Hydrogen and Power Generation

The objective of the initiative is to advance policies, programs and regulations that support the role of renewable hydrogen and ensure that supportive regulations are established to allow hydrogen blending on the natural gas system, ensure optimal use of the gas grid for long-term/seasonal energy storage, and integrating pipeline and electric grids to maximize both thermal and electric renewable and decarbonized energy options, including fuel cells.


The objective of this initiative is to secure policies to develop and commercialize hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and fueling infrastructure, including light duty cars, medium and heavy duty trucking, public transit, ports, and distribution centers.